Thursday, January 2, 2014

Playing catch up!

Ok, so I haven't posted in months, but that doesn't mean I haven't done any projects. It just means that I was too busy with other commitments to even THINK about posting here. This last quarter of school was the toughest one yet (both academically and personally), but I managed to make it through and pulled a 4.0 yet again. (I'm holding out hope that I can make it the entire way through my degree with a 4.0. gpa. --Not that it will matter to anyone else, but that's ok, because I am doing this one for ME!) Anyway, despite a hectic few months, I still managed to make a few different things, so thought I would post a few here to catch up.

Also, amongst all the other happenings these last few months, I had a new grandson born! He is just adorable and a wonderful addition to the rest of the grands! <3
Introducing Baby Jack!
Checking out their new baby brother.
Yes, he really IS this smiley!
Grandma's little butterball!
Seahawks Gear
Zombie Hello Kitty Hat!
Clark the Shark Hat
Monster Hat

New Years Resolution

Well, I started out with good intentions, but as you can see from the fact that my last post was in August, I didn't do very well with this whole blog thing. a New Year's resolution, I am going to try to post on here at least once per month (Hey, I'm realistic. I know I won't stick to a once a day or even once a week post!). So, if anyone is reading this...wish me luck and hopefully I will have some interesting posts for you to follow! :)

Saturday, August 10, 2013

For the love of granny squares, I tell ya.....

As a kid growing up in the 70's, I remember learning to crochet granny squares and making all kinds of fashions with them. Who doesn't remember rocking a funky granny square vest with all the multicolored yarns??? They were totally "hip"--even the Partridge Family and the Brady kids wore them! Well, like pretty much everything else from the 1970's, eventually the granny square fashion faded and our funky vests (head scarfs, dresses, etc) got relegated to the "costume" section of the thrift store.

Fast forward forty years.....

1970's and 80's fashions are in style again, and various needle-arts like knitting and crocheting have experienced a resurgence of popularity as well. Having never quite gotten over my fondness for granny squares, I will admit here that I for one am thrilled! So, this last week (after a few months of trying to shake loose the 1970's memories of learning to crochet out of my brain cells) I picked up a crochet hook again....and BAM! Things finally clicked and I now have my first completed granny square in 40 years!!!  WOOHOO! I know that may seem silly to some of you (ok...MOST of you), but to the stubborn, perfectionist, crafty geek in me it was....(Cue singing here..."Laaaaaaaaa")....MAGIC!!!

So, I guess I should now admit that the inspiration from that one little granny square (with help from the impending arrival of a new grandchild) just might have created a bit of an obsessive crochet streak in the last few days. I not only completed my beloved granny square, but I also managed to crank out a cute little hat and diaper cover set for the new grandbaby, another hat and bootie set for said grandbaby, AND make a dress and sandals for one of the granddaughter's dolls....all in less than a week! Um, yeah....did I mention the word "obsessive"???

Apparently I am now hooked on crochet (Get it? Hooked! Dorky crafty joke there!). Knitting has not taken a backseat, however, as I'm still working on three different baby projects too (Yes, 3...crafting is like crack to me, what can I say? Once I start, I go all in!). Unfortunately, I also have homework to crank out, so I will be taking a little bit of a break from projects for a few days. My friend, Hannah, is coming to visit in less than a week though (YEA!), so I'm going to get as much homework knocked out before she gets here so we can have quality crafty time while she's here! (She's a crafter too, so that is not cruel and unusual punishment!) 

So until next week my hooks and needles will be cooling off...but for now, you can enjoy some of the project photos from this week. 

Woot! Lovin' the granny square! Not quite 70's avocado green, but it's close!
Giraffe baby hat and diaper cover. Still have to sew the pieces together and add buttons. Not perfect, but not bad for a first REAL project! 
Teddy is stylin' in Baby Jack's pixie hat and booties! Hope he doesn't get mad when he has to give them up!
Couldn't send the granddaughter a "nekkid" doll, so I made this up. (Yes, that is the same green as the pixie hat and booties. What can I say? I was too lazy to walk to the other room for a different color....and besides, I think it looks pretty good with the pink!
Every girl should have a cute pair of espadrilles at some time in her life!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Entering the Dark Side.....

Finally taking the plunge into the world of blogs....wish me luck! (Hopefully) I'll be sharing photos and info (and probably more than a few random thoughts because that's just how my brain works!) about hobbies, projects, and any other stuff that occupies my life! I hope y'all enjoy following along!